5 Passive Income Ideas to Create Real Wealth

 5 Passive Income Ideas to Create Real Wealth

Doesn't "making money while you sleep" seem appealing? Building wealth that doesn't take up your time is one of the objectives of financial independence, allowing you to enjoy life and pursue your interests.

You need more money, but you don't have the time. The good news is that it is possible to make money while you sleep, and I can show you how to do it right now. I've compiled a list of my top passive income suggestions, which are ethical ways to use your talents and passions to generate extra income without exerting any effort.

Doesn't "making money while you sleep" seem appealing? Building wealth that doesn't take up your time is one of the objectives of financial independence, allowing you to enjoy life and pursue your interests.

The reality is that initially creating a passive income stream is rarely passive. It calls for either time, cash, expertise, or all three. But where do you even begin?

Making a little savings account that you can use later is the first step.

Your nest egg is this. We'll discuss this again.

In the short term, having various passive income streams will also help you become more resilient and better equipped to withstand economic shocks like the recent housing crisis and a worldwide pandemic.

A long-term decision like passive income necessitates short-term sacrifices.

The procedures and concepts below could help you generate residual income easily for years to come if you're ready to devote your resources to them.

For your ideas for passive income to take off, you simply need to know where to begin and decide what resources you're ready to invest.

I'll explain passive income in this post and demonstrate how to build multiple sources of it.


Let's now get going. Real estate investing is the best strategy to begin generating passive income. Real estate is one of the most frequent assets owned by the wealthiest investors in the world.

It's acceptable if you don't have millions or even thousands to start. Because you can start making passive income right away by investing as little as $10 with a firm called Fundrise.

What Is Passive Income?

Passive income is money made with little effort through any endeavor that requires little maintenance or daily effort on the part of the individual.

Let's examine that in more detail:

ü  Passive - using little to no of your time, your most valuable resource!

ü  Income - creating a stream of money that you either spend for everyday expenses or reinvest.

The ability to work a full-time job that consumes the majority of your working hours while maintaining your passive income streams is a solid litmus test. IRS Pub 925 provides a more formal description if you require one.

Protecting your time is the cardinal principle of passive income.

More than anything else, passive income is about time management. There are various ways to earn money, but not all of them are passive.

The revenue stream is not passive, for instance, if it takes the same amount of effort (time, money, etc.) to earn $100 today as it does to generate $100 next week or a year from now.

On the other hand, it requires some work if I open an account for investing today. However, my profits increase while my effort decreases as that account increases and I check it four times a year.

For instance, if I create an online course. I'm not making much money at first, but I'm working extremely hard. But first, I put in a lot of work.

After the course is finished, I spend a small amount of time each week on ongoing marketing and customer support while the sales keep coming in.

Do you see what I mean? We'll now discuss what passive income is not.

Protecting your time is the core principle of passive income.

What Passive Income is Not

Your job

Obviously. The income here is active. To supplement, augment, or free you from your employment so you can retire, travel, or spend more time with loved ones, passive income is intended.

Side hustles

Although side jobs can be fantastic methods to supplement your income, not all side jobs are passive. Usually active, side businesses may become passive income sources with systemization.

The endeavor is not passive if you consistently need to invest the same (or greater) amount of time for the same quantity of financial output. Keep in mind that a passive income stream may initially demand more time, money, or effort than it generates.

The passive income prospect must be assessed in its long-term state for you.


Consulting is just another job; it's ideal as a side gig but isn't exactly stress-free. Building a practice with other people and being able to finally step away from the work are both necessary for consulting to be passive.

Investing for Speculation

I'm splitting hairs right here. I do not view stock investments made only for capital growth as passive income. Why? therefore stock appreciation is not a source of income.


On the other hand, a passive income strategy is to invest in dependable businesses that provide dividends.

What makes a difference is whether you will receive a return on your investment whether you keep it or sell it.

Additionally, commodities and assets like cryptocurrencies are only used for price speculation. There are numerous occasions when you should allocate some of your portfolios to these products, but unless you generate yields or use grit bot trading, investing in this manner is not a reliable method of passive income generation.

Ways to Begin Generating Passive Income

There is no secret formula that will instantly convert your time into cash. Instead, you sow seeds to ensure that your money continues to grow while you sleep or take your dog for a walk in the park.

Starting a blog or using a robo-advisor website to make a $100 investment are just two examples of the initial downtime you invest in passive income. Whether you're a successful businessperson with a solid plan, a gifted artist, or simply have extra money to invest, you can make passive income.

1. Begin accumulating a nest egg

Recall how I said you needed time, money, or skills to generate passive income earlier? Start with the topic of money. Open a high-yield savings account and deposit even $100 there. You just generated passive revenue, whoosh!

Even if the amount may not be large, you will still earn interest on it, and many online banks even give cash rewards for new account openings. Our current fave is UFB Direct.

2. Analyze your abilities


As a Certified Financial Planner eager to expand my practice and address frequent customer inquiries, I launched GoodFinancialCents. I realized that I could use these abilities to produce excellent content online and that, over time, I could earn money from this site.

I have acquaintances who traded stocks and now run online forums for that activity or contribute to financial periodicals. Other pals are developing career websites now that they have mastered management.

What do you excel at? What do you feel strongly about? Make a brief inventory of your skills and look up how others have used them to create income streams.

3. Evaluate your work, money, and time. Regarding your commitments, be reasonable

Given that it is our most finite resource, time is a tricky one. Trying to increase your income or generate passive income can be a trap because doing so typically necessitates learning new things, which takes time. To reduce your time commitment over the long term, keep in mind that you might have to swallow your pride in the short term.

Are you dedicated? Time is consumed by current employment, family, and social obligations. If you don't have a lot of time, you should focus more on investing or hiring someone else to complete the task.

To make it easier for you to match each topic in this guide to your present skill level, we've assigned each one an effort level (1–5, where 5 demands the greatest work).

4. Create and pick

The last stage is to determine how to start and write down some ideas. We've put together the list below to get your brainstorming started. We've compiled this list of suggestions to get you started as a way to assist with that. To your prosperity and liberty!

5. Ideas for Passive Income

Investing Money to Earn Passive Income (Effort Level: 1-2)

1. Buy real estate online from your couch

2. Comparative Lending

3. Savings with High Yields

4. Investing idly in the markets

5. Laddering CD

  • Purchase real estate

Level of Effort: 1

Time commitment up front:

Initial financial commitment:

Possibility of passive income

Real estate investing is the finest option to generate passive income.

Real estate is one of the most frequent assets owned by the wealthiest investors in the world.

Building wealth through real estate investing has always been a popular strategy. It no longer requires as much time, money, or knowledge as it did in the past.

However, real estate investing applications have opened up this asset class to more people, making it simpler for people like you and me to generate a passive income that doesn't require any work.

The resources listed below are ones you should look at if you're interested:


It's acceptable if you don't have millions of dollars—or even thousands—to start an investment property. Because you can start making passive income right away by investing as little as $10 with a firm called Fundrise.

Real estate investment trusts are a specialty of Fundrise. REITs are the way to go if you reside in a pricey location or lack the time to manage a rental property.

REITs manage and control properties that generate income and share the gains with investors. Fundrise has made investing in REITs more affordable and accessible than it formerly was.

Only $10 is required as a minimum investment on Fundraise.


Here is another real estate portal where you may make some extra money. A marketplace for complete single-family homes is called Roofstock. The phrase "turnkey" denotes that the figures have been calculated, the house may have undergone renovations, and there may even be tenants present.

You, the investor, need just provide the money. Once you buy the house, it is entirely yours, and all rental revenue is sent directly to you.


I suggest taking a look at RealtyMogul if you're looking for something between Fundrise's REITs and Roofstock's single-family houses.

Realty Mogul is a crowdfunding platform for real estate that collects funds from investors to buy expensive properties (office buildings, retail space, etc.). The down payment is $5,000.

The finest passive income strategy is real estate investing!

  • Peer-to-peer lending

Level of Effort: 1

Time commitment up front:

Initial financial commitment:

Possibility of passive income

My favorite type of lending is peer-to-peer lending or P2P lending. Lending money to people or businesses is the idea. After that, they reimburse you plus interest.

Let's imagine someone wants to combine their debt and needs to borrow $10,000. They open an account with Lending Club, for instance, and are given an interest rate for the loan based on their credit history, income, and other factors.

Additionally, the investor (you) opens a Lending Club account and purchases the debt. The principal and interest are paid to you in your Lending Club investing account each time the borrower makes a monthly payment.

P2P lending is underwritten by several companies; some, like Lending Club, facilitate personal loans while others, like Worthy, facilitate business loans (the method is the same for both).

Depending on the platform and loan type, returns are anticipated to be in the 5% range. 5% or more is better than the majority of national bank interest rates, even though it isn't quite stock returns.

  • Invest money on high-yield savings.

Level of Effort: 1

Time commitment up front:

Initial financial commitment:

Initial financial commitment:

Possibility of passive income

Even while savings accounts are arguably the most boring kind of investing ever created, they are also the most secure source of passive income.

To observe any actual action at 0.15 percent interest or below, you would need to have an account with more than the $250,000 FDIC-insured limit.

Online savings accounts, however, provide rates far superior to those of conventional banks. Even better, these rates let you lock your money in for a shorter period while still being competitive with CD rates.

Right now, UFB Direct is the best high-yield savings account choice.

  • Passively Invest in the Stock Market

Level of Effort: 1

Time commitment up front:

Initial financial commitment:

Possibility of passive income

The primary method by which people create long-term wealth and passive income through their retirement plans or brokerage accounts is by investing in public stocks and bonds. Although the data is generally reliable, regular people like you and me should invest in passive income through low-fee index funds, mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

You can accomplish this in one of two ways:

With a robo-advisor, you can set and forget your investments.

As passive as it is possible to be with investments to let an algorithm manage them. You may pick your level of risk tolerance with robo-advisors like Betterment, then sit back and watch the money roll in. The costs are also considerably less than what you would pay for a human account manager. A list of some of the top robo-advisor systems can be seen below.

I've been a supporter of Betterment for a very long time, and my Betterment investing review even featured an interview with their CEO.

Betterment works with you to give you the finest financial advice through their algorithms and is amazing at lowering any taxes you have to pay on your assets.

Betterment offers the option to speak with a person if you so choose, unlike other robo-advisors. The fees for Betterment are the same as those for Wealthfront, but they are not waived for the first $10,000 that you invest.

With an online brokerage like M1 Finance, choose your own Dividend Stocks or ETFs.

You can get consistent passive income at an annual rate that is significantly higher than what you would obtain from bank investments by developing a portfolio of high-dividend equities.

There is always a chance for capital growth because high dividend equities are stocks, which is equally significant. In this manner, you can generate passive income from capital gains and dividends.

By opening an account with one of the brokerages listed below, you can make this procedure simple and inexpensive. Trading commissions are no longer generally charged by brokerages, which saves us a ton of money.

You have more freedom to select the ETFs (and individual companies) you want to invest in using online brokerages. Low costs for individual stock and bond trades have helped established internet brokers like TD Ameritrade and E-trade succeed.

However, M1 Finance is currently my preferred online broker. They make it incredibly simple to invest passively in ETFs and are expanding their range of services to provide you with seamless access to your money.

  • Purchasing CDs

Level of Effort: 1

Time commitment up front:

Initial financial commitment:

Possibility of passive income

If I'm being completely honest, CDs (or certificates of deposit) aren't the most interesting passive income ideas or investing techniques out there. They're plain and clear.

The only thing more passive than CDs, however, is making money while you sleep. A great, low-risk way to earn interest without taking any financial risks is to invest in certificates of deposit.

Savings accounts with a catch are comparable to CDs. Depending on the time range you choose when you start the account, you are not permitted to access your money before it has reached maturity. Months to years can be included in that time frame.

Get the greatest CD rates and be sure you purchase your CD from a financial institution that is FDIC insured (up to $250k is guaranteed). The financial institution will pay greater interest on CDs with longer terms.







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