SabiMONI e-Learning Platform Launched by CBN Governor to Improve Financial Literacy

 SabiMONI e-Learning Platform Launched by CBN Governor to Improve Financial Literacy

Mr. Godwin Emefiele, Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, has unveiled the SabiMONI e-Learning Platform, a digital tool aimed at improving financial literacy.

The website will be a valuable resource for learners and researchers, as well as a means for individuals to become Certified Financial Literacy Trainers.

This campaign is part of the Central Bank's efforts to improve financial literacy and reach its objective of 94% financial inclusion by 2024.

NIGERIA, ABUJA – Mr. Godwin Emefiele, Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has unveiled the SabiMONI e-Learning Platform, which is a key step toward boosting financial literacy in Nigeria.

The SabiMONI e-Learning Platform is a fully digital national e-learning portal that offers a comprehensive knowledge base for financial literacy. The new platform seeks to act as a library of information for both learners and academics, bridging the knowledge and understanding gap in finance.

During the launch, Emefiele mentioned the platform's ability to establish a conducive environment for financial learning. "The initiative will provide individuals with the opportunity to be trained and become Certified Financial Literacy Trainers through self-service," he explained. This action is likely to aid the central bank's attempts to enhance the number of specialists capable of driving financial education in Nigeria and beyond.

Emefiele went on to say that financial literacy is still one of the most important drivers of financial inclusion and is required for stronger financial stability, economic growth, and development. He stated that a lack of or poor levels of financial knowledge is a significant barrier to financial inclusion.

The SabiMONI e-Learning Platform is part of the CBN's bigger endeavor to improve financial literacy in the country. The central bank has set a goal of 94% financial inclusion by the end of January 2024. The SabiMONI platform is seen as a vital tool in achieving this lofty goal.

The CBN Governor finished his remarks by expressing hope that the SabiMONI e-Learning Platform will increase consumer trust in the adoption and use of digital financial services, ultimately contributing to the stability of Nigeria's financial system.

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